Photographs of various shrines I've seen. A shrine here is basically anything I consider to have spiritual significance.
On the map, each point represented by a green circle was taken in the spring, gold squares were taken in the summer, orange triangles were taken in the fall, and blue stars were taken in the winter.
< 2021:07:21 09:55:40 > - < 36.7586833333333, 43.8936416666667 >
< 2021:07:21 11:25:05 > - < 36.7682833333333, 43.8941166666667 >
< 2019:07:05 16:42:06 > - < 31.9500888888889, 35.9348805555556 >
< 2021:08:21 11:26:04 > - < 30.5183805555556, 47.8370138888889 >
< 2021:08:21 16:46:12 > - < 30.4000805555556, 47.7329 >
< 2022:04:05 14:46:38 > - < 52.5051333333333, 13.3355305555556 >
< 2017:11:19 11:49:19 > - < 42.8782055555556, 74.6085277777778 >
< 2023:11:19 16:46:06 > - < -34.5871666666667, -58.4275361111111 >
< 2023:11:19 19:27:05 > - < -34.6173666666667, -58.3731277777778 >
< 2023:05:06 11:17:21 > - < 36.9710305555556, 43.3164527777778 >
< 2021:12:30 21:41:04 > - < 40.7478916666667, -73.9400722222222 >
< 2021:07:10 13:30:36 > - < 36.2012555555556, 44.0189222222222 >
< 2022:11:02 13:34:22 > - < 39.4537305555556, -31.2631083333333 >
< 2017:12:13 15:24:18 > - < 35.2342944444444, 139.095322222222 >
< 2022:07:14 22:57:18 > - < 32.6178972222222, 44.0359388888889 >
< 2022:03:27 16:00:34 > - < 32.6511333333333, 43.984925 >
< 2021:08:17 16:38:29 > - < 32.2266416666667, 44.367325 >
< 2023:04:28 12:21:13 > - < 32.6158361111111, 44.032425 >
< 2022:03:27 16:25:08 > - < 32.5944027777778, 44.0308694444444 >
< 2022:09:13 22:22:00 > - < 32.3225666666667, 44.2666444444444 >
< 2022:09:13 12:33:52 > - < 32.17915, 44.3124555555556 >
< 2021:07:21 14:01:17 > - < 36.771225, 43.3034694444444 >
< 2022:11:11 14:20:35 > - < 38.697475, -9.20533888888889 >
< 2023:06:11 15:11:31 > - < -34.9033777777778, -56.2006861111111 >
< 2023:04:28 17:00:31 > - < 31.996075, 44.3149527777778 >
< 2021:08:20 10:10:30 > - < 30.9798, 47.0426555555556 >
< 2022:04:07 15:15:53 > - < 48.8777916666667, 2.30157222222222 >
< 2022:10:26 17:04:06 > - < 37.7402583333333, -25.6622444444444 >
< 2023:02:11 13:44:19 > - < 33.4045944444444, 43.4746388888889 >
< 2021:07:21 15:02:46 > - < 36.7489916666667, 43.1152416666667 >
< 2023:03:11 17:00:44 > - < 37.7554944444444, -122.41735 >
< 2023:03:12 15:53:12 > - < 37.4145777777778, -122.077561111111 >
< 2023:05:15 16:51:08 > - < 35.668, 45.0039027777778 >
< 2023:05:14 01:23:35 > - < 35.5663027777778, 45.3740194444444 >
< 2023:11:05 13:46:30 > - < -54.8397555555556, -68.3120194444444 >
< 2024:01:13 17:32:06 > - < -34.8535166666667, -55.9860916666667 >